Friday, August 14, 2009

Post office on Pasco, WA

It occurs to me that I haven't made good time today. That is acceptable to me. It also occurs to me that I have been whinning a bit too much lately. I stayed in a lovely hotel last night. Let me be absolutely clear about this, I am in love with this trip! I am having so mych fun but it seems that I have to get my body accustomed to these things again.

On another note. Desitin is not your friend for saddle ailments. It has cod liver oil in it! Disgusting! I picked up some aveeno shortly after and haven't used it yet but I will post details (although not the gory details later).

Gear note: Scwalbe Marathon Plus tires are the best! I pulled no less than seven large thorns from my front tire yesterday. They were huge! Like thumb tacks but no flat! Love them!

Stopped to ship some things around so I don't have to carry them. I figure if they go ahead of me by a day or so, I will work less hard.

Having a great day and I hope this finds you well!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Glad things are looking up. Take it easy on the knee you only have two. ;-)