Tuesday, February 5, 2008

If you love your Friends, Children or Grandchildren

Please do not vote for McCain! I'm asking very nicely and respectfully. I have just found this article in American Conservative (yes I read these from time to time) Magazine that just makes me so scared for the world that I can't help but ask you to please, for the love of your children, grandchildren and anything else you hold precious, give your vote to someone who will follow a path of love and happiness (maybe not necessarily peace) rather than WAR! We just don't need more human sacrifice. We live in a world where we put guns in the hands of our impoverished children and tell them, "If you survive, you get to go to college". I've been there. I can talk about it all day. This video does pretty well at explaining it though.

I really have a hard time thinking of myself as an American Citizen when our government treats it's own citizens, it's "protectors" like this. dotsadness and dotdespair.

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