Friday, April 4, 2008

Perhaps I'll turn to criticism

It has caught my attention lately that there seems to be a movement of irritatingly poppy sounding music, film, and art as of late. It seems to have started with the Postal Service, Garden State, and continues today in the form of vinyl toys that pollute our worlds landfills a few years after people tire of being a kid again.

But the movement actually begs the question of whether we ever will tire of child like music, films and art. I feel as if we are experiencing a backlash to the horrible events that we see in the media. The mere fact that we can watch war live via web cams and satellite feeds is enough to make anyone want to turn away, reject violence an harken a time of child like innocence. There is but one problem, if we remain ignorant, it stands to reason that we are not child like, rather we are guilty of the same horrible transgressions of the actionless peoples that allowed the genocides of the Belgian Congo, Armenia at the hands of Turkey and Jews at the hands of Germany. These things happened and are happening in the world, whether or not we want to acknowledge them.

So I chastise artists, musicians, creative types, of which I count myself one, for not speaking out directly, for the lack of zeal or purpose in our works. We create intentionally playful items to give us respite from the world, and while this is valid, it will not help stop the violence ands death of war.

Seemingly gone are the days of such artists as Rage Against The Machine and other such revolutionaries.
I "typed" this with my thumbs.

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