Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Tablets are for Girls...and me.
Miss Alison
Monday, January 28, 2008
Samba School
Bateria da Perola Negra public practice session for Carnival...Crazy...
I don't know if I can exactly explain how crazy it actually is to be in this crowd right now.
Market shopping
I don't see too many obese people in Brasil, I wonder if it has anything to do with the way people get their food and where?
The weekend. Epic.
Friday, January 25, 2008
My first full day in the streets
premiere/ to wander the city with no real destination. I was careful to
ask where I should NOT go but other than that I just wanted to take a
look around. I spent the day walking in my /Haviannas/ (flip flops) and
now my feet are quite sore. I'm learning a TON of Portuguese which of
course is my goal for the trip.
I walked from the apartment in Pinheiros to Parque do Ibirapuera then
decided that I wanted to get sorted on my bus card and mobile phone or
/aparelho. /So I headed to the metro station on Avenida da Paulista or
simply Paulista (which is also the name for someone that lives here in
Ciudade do Sao Paulo) I am now VERY sun burnt, which is odd because I usually don't have a problem with that. At any rate you can see a map of the area by following the link.,-46.674042&spn=0.03666,0.057678&z=14&om=0">here
Anyway I'm late for another awesome day! It's a holiday today so it will
be quite fun I'm sure!
Thursday, January 24, 2008
going on, because my Portuguese is pretty poor still but I am learning
quickly! Last night I had a wonderful treat of called a Chica Bon which
is a delicious ice pop derivative made of chocolate and malt. Delicious
treats indeed. Obviously, I still need a haircut.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
A night of good funk
Smiling people and a bunch of good funk, disco, and generally very good
music. We had so much fun, next time the camera will come with me.
Ciudade San Pablo
colors are so very different and every time I turn around I see another
beautiful person smiling at me. There's poverty, but I don't think
there's the hopelessness and desperation (naivete i'm sure) that I
associate with poverty in Chicago.
Monday, January 21, 2008
Everything is mellow right now...I'm set to get on a plane in 30 minutes. If you get to Miami anytime, try the key lime pie, totally delicious, key limes, yummy.
Sorry no pic this time, I left my beloved blackberry at home to rest for a bit.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
I "typed" this with my thumbs.
Saturday, January 5, 2008
McDonalds corporation has been using the word 'Premium' an awful lot? So I looked it up because I couldn't believe it. tells us that a 'premium' is:
10.of exceptional quality or greater value than others of its kind; superior: a wine made of premium grapes. 11.of higher price or cost. 12.of or pertaining to premiums: to work in premium sales.
I don't think so.
I "typed" this with my thumbs.
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Thug life
I "typed" this with my thumbs.